Friday, July 24, 2009

Off to Japan! 日本の旅へ

これから東京へと発ちます。今年の夏休みは日本旅行。北海道は摩周湖、洞爺湖、札幌とまわり、それから京都へ飛んで、高野山、奈良にも行きます。旦那と私は毎年、夏休みの行き先を、かわりばんこに決めるのです。行きたい場所が違うので、喧嘩にならないように。笑 今年は旦那が日本を選びました。私も日本を旅行したことがあまりないので、楽しみです〜!

We are leaving for Tokyo now. First, we will fly to Hokkaido to visit Mashu Lake, Toya lake and Sapporo. Then we will fly to Kyoto to visit Koyasan and Nara. I'm excited to see my homeland!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

結婚記念日 Anniversary!


It was our anniversary yesterday and my husband took me to a restaurant called, Blue Hill. They have a farm in upstate New York and their fresh ingredients come from their farm. I wanted to try their lamb, but they did not have it so I had a crab dish and a mackerel dish. The desert was great, too - raspberry cheesecake with raspberry sorbet! Needless to say that we ate too much!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Aamir khan! ボリウッド大スターアミールカーン!


I watched "Ghajini" last night, one of the latest films by Aamir Khan, the biggest Bollywood star. Needless to say, he is my favorite movie star - he is amazing! This film was perfect for me: it's like, Bollywood meets Kung-fu! Aamir is known as a perfectionist and he shows his very well-trained 8 packs in this film. It's a must-see film. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Treasure of Tibet チベットの宝品


The exhibition of collected artifacts from the Potala Palace has been organized by the Chinese government in Japan and there will be one at the Ueno Royal Museum this September. I began this opposition campaign with many powerful Tibet supporters from around the world because the exhibition does not explain what Potala Palace was nor one word about the Dalai Lama who was the residence of the Potala until he had to flee to India in 1959 due to the Chinese occupation. The exhibition must explain the accurate history of modern Tibet. Please join us and help!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

High Line Park in Chelsea  ハイラインパーク

6月にやっとオープンした「ハイラインパーク」に行って来ました。ミートマーケットエリアにある入り口には、長い行列が。NY市の公園なので入場はフリー!今、話題のスポットです。ここは、1930年代に、日本で言うと歩道橋のようなところ(地上からかなり上の場所に道路があります)に鉄道が走っていた場所を、そのまま保存し、公園に作り替えたのです。マンハッタンの地上の鉄道レールを歩くのは、なんともシュールでした。眺めも最高です。最近できたフランクゲリーデザインのビル(写真上)も見えるし、エンパイアーステイトビルも見える。そして下から2番目の写真。グリーンのスカートをはいた少女、すごい位置に立っていて危ない!と思いませんか?これ、ガラス張りなんです。遠くから見る人はみな「ドキッ」として息の飲みます。笑 ブラブラした後は、チェルシーのフレンチカフェで、チョコレートたっぷりのクレープをたいらげました!

We finally went to check out the Highline Park in Chelsea. There were so many people waiting in line at the entrance in the meatpacking area. Nowadays everyone is talking about this new park that opened in June. This railroad was build back in the 1930's and as the trucking industry had developed it was abandoned in 1960's to be demolished. Local activists fought to preserve it and now it has turned into a beautiful city park!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

My Favorite Park! お気に入りの公園


Look at this spectacular view of Manhattan! The blue building on the left is the United Nation building. The one next to it is the beautiful art-deco Chrysler building. The one on the right, a tall black building is one of the Trump buildings where a few famous baseball players live. This park on the river in Long Island City and it is totally eco-friendly. All the materials for the park are made from recycle materials, such as deck chairs and orange hammocks! There is even a vegetable & herb garden. I just love it here.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy B'Day, the Dalai Lama!


July 6 is the Dalai Lama's Birthday and he is 74 years old today. He has been away from his own home, Tibet, for the last 50 years. I pray for him and his people's freedom and human rights in Tibet. The party was held at the Tibet House Museum in Chelsea. The photo above is his portrait taken by Richard Avedon, one of the legendary fashion photographers in our history. The Buddha statue is a collection of the Tibet House. I love this Buddha's charming expression!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

ジャムに夢中 I Love Jams!


We all drove up to Kingston from Rhinecliff and found this lovely farmers' market on the street. There were fresh greens, fruits, cheese, flowers and everything! I have loved black current jams ever since I was a child so I bought two large ones. I remember that my father had brought me a jar of black currant jam from Europe when I was 6 and the taste was nothing like I ever had. Black currants were rare in Japan that time (maybe still are) and to me it was like a "miracle jam."!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

アメリカ独立記念日 Happy July 4th!


To me July 4th means barbecue! My husband and I visited my old friends in Rhinecliff with my old friends. Suzy, the chef, brought all the goodies for the barbecue. Her pork was excellent! The 9-year-old son of my friends baked this amazing short biscuits with peaches and local berries.What a beautiful day it was to catch up with old friends under the stars!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

ザッハートルテが食べたい!Craving for Sacher Torte!

数日前から、異常にザッハートルテが食べたくなって困っています。上の写真はウイーンのホテルザッハーで食べたもの。そう、本場のオリジナルです!ニューヨークでもカフェサバースキーに行けばあるのですが、やはり味が違う。う〜ん、ネットでウイーンからオーダーしようかなあ、、。それくらい食べたい!そしてオーストリアと言えば、ウインナー。ウイーンの有名な’カフェでいただいたソーセージはすごかった。スーツを来た背のたか〜いバレリーナのようなウエイターさんが、白い手袋をして、銀のふたをした大皿を運んできくれたかと思えば、あらゆる銀食器が並ぶ、並ぶ。マスタード数種類。そしてふたを開けると、それはそれは長いウインナーが数本お湯の中に入っています。それをトングでとっていただくのです。まるで儀式のようで、味はあまり覚えていません。笑 ウイーンと言えばビール。お酒を一滴も飲めない私でも、ビールの香はステキでした。なんだかウイーンやプラハが恋しいこの頃です。

I have been craving for some Sacher Torte from Vienna for several days....! That is the BEST chocolate cake I have ever had in my life and I can only eat it in Vienna. Well, actually I can get it at Cafe Sabarsky near the Met uptown, but the taste is not the same. I may have to order the original Sacher Torte from Vienna online if my craving is going to torture me. You cannot talk about vienna without their sausages. We were at this famous cafe and I could not believe what I saw when I ordered the "sausages." A tall ballet-dancer-like waiter in a suit with white gloves brought me a whole set of silver wares including a huge lid. There were several kinds of mustards, too. When I opened the lid there were very, very, very long sausages floating in hot water. I used a tong to pick them up to eat. What a ritual it was! I cannot even remember the taste of the long sausages.
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