Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tibet belongs to the Tibetans! チベットはチベット人のもの!



Despite our opposition campaign against the Tibet Exhibition that is organized by China will begin tomorrow in Tokyo. The museum did not accept our request to indicate the accurate history of modern Tibet. In contrary, the exhibition shows no word about the Dalai Lama who lived in the Potala Palace for centuries. Yet, many artifacts in the exhibition are from the Potala.
What kind of exhibition is this?

Most Japanese do not know anything about Tibet. Tibet issue is rather controlled by the media and Japanese do not receive enough information about Tibet. It was only last March that most Japanese heard about "Tibet" and "The Dalai Lama" for the first time.

This Tibet exhibition that is organized by China will not help the Japanese to really learn about the Tibetan culture. Many Tibetans are furious about this exhibition. I am furious that most Japanese will go to the exhibition being ignorant and go home still ignorant. How absurd that is.

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