Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Question for you! 皆さんへ質問です!

Does anyone know the name of those flowers? They are blossoming near my house in SoCal, and the fragrance is heavenly! I can smell them from miles away. I'd like to find out the name because I definitely want this flower in my garden one day... please help! :)


Friday, March 25, 2011

Driving in SoCal 南カリフォルニアでの運転

This is the famous steep hill that Tom Cruise rode his motorcycle in the film, "Top Gun," and it is near my house. It is so steep that when you are going up on the hill all you see is the sky! Some say it's scary, but for some reason this hill never scares me. What scares me is the freeways here in SoCal. People drive so fast, and it is really scary! As a so-so driver I have not gone on the freeways by myself, and I have been taking the back roads to avoid them.


I cannot believe that I am writing about cars here! I don't like cars, I don't like driving and I don't have any interests in fancy cars like those photos. However, since we moved to SoCal driving had to be a part of my daily life. I drive a hybrid car, and I love it. My husband drives a mini-cooper convertible, and I love that car, too. However, that is where my interests in cars stop. Cars are not good for the environment, period. I just cannot wait to have an electric car!


This vintage old BW bus was such a trip! One day we saw this bus for sale, and it was just so cute. It had a bar, nice benches that convert into a bed and a small refrigerator, and it was decorated with the 50's style. I don't particularly like this bus, but there was something very charming and "mellow" about this car that was not intimidating like other fancy cars. It may be nice to stroll down on the SoCal beach coast in this mini bus on a lazy Sunday...


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Historical moment for Tibet チベットの歴史的瞬間

As of the end of March this year His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama stepped down from the politics. He resigned as a political leader of the Tibetan government of exile. This is a huge change in Tibet's history since the dalai lamas had been ruling the government for many centuries, and I must say that this is a historical moment. Since the 60's the Dalai Lama has been saying to the Tibetans, "Our political leader should be chosen by people," and he recently said, "The political rule by the spiritual leaders and rajas are now outdated." He officially stepped down despite many opposition. When I heard the news I cried. Tears rolled down as I felt happy for him - he's worked so hard. He is truly a very smart man. He knows that the world is changing, and that the young Tibetans want a political leader who is not a monk.


I wonder if the Dalai Lama will be meeting the world political leaders less frequently from now on...?  今後、ダライラマ法王が世界の政治リーダーたちと会見することは減って行くのでしょうか、、?

The Tibetans, the young and old, all love and respect the Dalai Lama. However, many young Tibetans seek "independence" of Tibet that contradicts the Dalai Lama's middle way policy. They feel that they have to be more responsible about Tibet's future and get more involved with their politics. On March 20 the election for the next Kalon Tripa (prime minister of the Tibetan government in exile) took place world wide. So many Tibetans went to vote including many elderly Tibetans of age 90! The photo below is the three leading candidates for the next prime minister. From left, Tashi Wangdi, Tenzin Tethong and Lobsang Sangay. I personally know them all, and they are all very smart, talented and great candidates. At the end of April this year the government will announce the newly elected prime minister. Until then, we just have to wait as we hope for the stronger Tibet's future!


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sneak preview 予告

After being a wreck (emotional exhaustion, no appetite, fatigue and over crying) for a week since the tragedy in Japan I am finally putting myself together. Being depressed won't help my country - that I always knew, but I could not help myself collapse. It is a process, I think.

When I experienced the horror on 9/11 I witnessed two types of people's reactions and behaviors. Some people expressed their fear and sorrow freely, and allowed themselves to be a wreck. Some acted perfectly strong and charged as if they were not affected at all. I was in the first category - I got emotionally and physically sick out of fear, sorrow and pain, and I could not help it. However, the latter category people - the strong ones - all became either emotionally depressed or physically ill later on. So, it is a process. Sooner or later we all have to face our fear and deal with our emotions.

Yesterday was the first day that I felt normal since the Japan's disaster. Finally I was able to tell myself, "Rima, you must do something and help your country. You must do much more than just donating money!" Then, suddenly I hit my left foot by accident, and I broke my pinky toe. So now I cannot walk. Oh, my god.

As I was putting ice on my toe I was offered to do a cover for the Kee Magazine that is a high-end luxurious magazine in HK. They are creating a special Japan issue to honor Japan's creativity, and are donating 50 % of their profit to the relief funds. I was dying to contribute to Japan through my art, so of course I said, "Yes."

I drew a young woman who is expressing her confidence, hope and peace towards Japan. Also I put a Japanese crane, a symbol of peace and life flying over the rising sun. I cried as I did this piece, but I was not sad anymore. I cried because I felt a tremendous hope from this woman I had drawn.




そると、氷で冷やしている最中に、雑誌のカバーを描いてくれませんか?という依頼が飛び込んで来ました。香港にあるハイエンドな豪華マガジン「Kee Magazine」のアメリカ人編集長から電話が入ったのです。日本に捧げる特別号を作っているとのこと。売り上げの半分を援助に寄付するそうです。自分の絵を使って何か国のためにしたいと強く思っていた時。「もちろん喜んで!」と答えました。


Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Sun Also the Rising Sun 日本には日がまた昇る

It's been an overwhelming week since the 9M earthquake, tsunami, nukes and the snow falls in Japan, and I am exhausted. Yet, my exhaustion is nothing comparing to those who are suffering there right now, and my exhaustion won't help anything..., but I am exhausted. So I had to look at something "different" from the countless images of disasters day after day... just to give a break to my eyes and to my broken heart.


What a beautiful yak in Tibet. I can almost feel the cold, crisp air up in the Himalayan mountains. Hope he is eating enough :)


And this photo... I am speechless. I just want to breathe. Stop for a moment. Just breathe.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Japanese aesthetics 2 日本人の美学 2

I wrote my opinion about the Japanese aesthetic yesterday, and I could not believe the amount of responses that I received from around the world. I am stunned by the fact that our Japanese way could be so foreign to others, because to me it is very natural. So today I was thinking about it in further depth, and I'd like to share some personal episodes that show how the Japanese are in certain situations. Now, please allow me to say that I am not writing this to praise the Japanese. We are not perfect. We have many elements that the foreigners do not like: we are often described as "unambiguous" and "too reserved," and that we say "yes" to everything while we constantly shake our heads back and forth!

Too Honest?
A typical Japanese man who honors honesty and respect for others is my father. One day when I was a teenager my parents and I went to a shopping mall near Westchester, New York. My father was driving, and when he parked the car in the parking lot he lightly hit another car. He dashed out the car to check the damage and found a very tiny scratch. So, what did he do? He waited for the car's owner's return for one and a half hours!

The owner of the car was an elderly lady, and she said to my father, "Did you just wait for me to tell me that you had done this?" My dad said, "Yes." "But, why?" The lady did not get it.
"That's how we are!" my dad answered with a smile.

Another episode took place in Tokyo while I was visiting my parents there. One afternoon my father went to a market to buy some groceries to make some Italian dinner. He came home with bags, and he was checking the receipt. Then suddenly he said, "Oh my goodness. The cashier forgot to ring up the tomatoes. I must go back to pay for them."

"Common, Dad! It's just a few tomatoes, and it's not your fault. Don't even bother!" I yelled.
Did he go back? Oh, yes, he did, immediately. That is how my father is, and that is how many Japanese are. Japanese honor honesty and politeness. They take pride in their behavior and respect.

Lost Wallets are Returned Full
When I was growing up as a child in Tokyo it was absolutely common to leave your purses at the restaurant tables to save the seats, and no one would steal them. Nowadays in the big cities the Japanese don't do it any more, but in small towns and villages strangers still trust each other today.

Lost & Found is very reliable, too. At stations, department stores, police stations... most of the items you lose are returned, even the wallets full with money in them!

So what keeps the Japanese away from behaving "badly" in general? (Of course I'm not saying that there is no crime in Japan.) As I wrote yesterday, the philosophies of "Bushido" (the way of the samurai warriors) and Buddhism, and the 'wish to avoid shame' are deeply rooted in our cultural behavior, but also as for many older Japanese, the honest and polite behavior came from their wish to avoid "God's punishment." My grandmother often said to me, "If you are naughty the punishment will fall from heaven on you." I am not sure if my grandmother seriously believed it, but I think what she meant was creating your "karma."

Karma is not a punishment. Karma means "cause and effect"- what you do simply comes back in some ways. Buddha talked about cause and effect, and he taught how to control your mind. Japanese are extremely disciplined, and they can endure with a great deal of patience.

Patience is considered honorable
Patience. It is taught in early age in Japan. In my kindergarden I had a tea ceremony class every Wednesday, and we all had to sit like this (see the photo below) with good posture for an hour. It was hard for us as little children who would rather run around than sit still. I also had a "prayer class" (equivalent to a meditation class) that you sit with your eyes closed and try to be still. That was not easy either.

So, whether good or bad, these cultural elements of the Japanese have been helpful to put the tragic nation together at the moment. People are staying calm patiently. I am so proud of the Japanese people, and as a Japanese who grew up in New York, I must learn from my people in Japan. It is my time to go back to my deep roots, and learn from my ancestors who were dignified warriors. I am the "daughter" of the last samurais after all.











Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Japanese aesthetics 日本人の美学

While the continuous disasters have been occurring in Japan I have been receiving so many questions and comments about the Japanese behavior during the crisis. Many foreign medias have been talking about how "orderly" and "calm" we are. The Japanese line up politely anywhere - at shops, telephone booths, stations, etc. To me it is so normal because I am Japanese. That is just how we are. Many non-Japanese friends of mine have told me, "Oh my god. If that happened in my country people would steal, fight, and everything. There would be looting everywhere, and it would be a total chaos." "Why Japanese are so calm and polite during such a difficult time?"


It is our aesthetics. It is our characteristic, and it is our culture. So, where does it come from? It seems that our aesthetics comes from "Bushido" (the way of the samurai warrior) and Buddhism.
Bushido emphasizes justice, loyalty, honor, bravery, obedience, duty, respect and self-sacrifice. Buddhism taught compassion and love for others. Also, there is a sense of "avoiding shame": you would not want to do anything that will bring shame to your name, face and your family. These elements are deeply rooted in our culture. Therefore, during such a disasterous time people behave politely and compassionately to each other.


On the 5th day from the first disaster I still cannot stop crying. The victims in north are very simple and good people, and most of them are farmers and fishermen. I am deeply moved by those humble people who have been so appreciative for what they have left right now. No one is complaining. It is just too amazing to me. I love my country, and I am so proud to be Japanese.


Monday, March 14, 2011

For Japan

First, I'd like to thank you for your phone calls and emails from all over the world expressing your concern and love for me and Japan. I am overwhelmed by your support and kindness. Japan needs help right now, and probably for a while. However, the Japanese are strong people, and they will certainly rebuild the nation. My heart is still deeply broken, but I must take action to help my country. What we can do is to donate blood, money, clothing, blankets... there are many things we can do. Please find out your local organizations that are helping Japan. Also, please pray. Please pray for the dead and for those who are suffering right now. Your prayer is needed. Thank you so much for your kind support.

Red Cross:



Sunday, March 13, 2011

My apology お詫びです

I'd like to apologize on my blog yesterday that I wrote about karma. It was not appropriate, and I deeply feel bad about it. I have been extremely upset about the tragedy in Japan, and have been sick from the emotional exhaustion. I did not understand why bad things happen to good and innocent people, and I was simply trying to find an answer to make me feel better. It was insensitive, and again I apologize for it. (I've eliminated the blog from yesterday.)


Friday, March 11, 2011

My prayer to my people 日本の皆さんへ


To everyone in Japan, especially to those who are in north, please hang in there! I cannot find the right word to express my pain in my heart, but all I can say is that I am praying for you very hard... May you all be safe, and be at ease as soon as possible...

Monday, March 7, 2011

March 10th and the Destroyed Buddhas 3月10日と破壊されたブッダ

March 10th is coming in a few days. It's a famous uprising day in Tibet where thousands of Tibetans stood up against China 52 years ago. So many Tibetans died that day. There will be rallies around the world on March 10th for the freedom and human rights of the Tibetans. China has already "closed" Tibet from the tourists and foreign media this year.


I love Buddha statues with passion. I love them more than any other art. It hurts me to see those Buddha statues with bullet holes like those photos above. They were shot by the Chinese government army to be destroyed many years ago. The irony is that Buddha taught about "impermanence." Nothing lasts forever. If I were to complain to Buddha about those bullets on Buddha statues he would probably say to me, "Rima, they are just statues. Don't worry about it. What's important is all in your mind, not in a statue." However, it would still bother me. I am an artist who deeply appreciates those creations of art, and I get angry to see them being destroyed. It is a matter of respect and honor. It's like having a bullet shot into my own chest.


All Buddhist statues were taken away and destroyed in Tibet over 50 years ago. Some survived statues are now exhibited in Chinese museums. Look, someone else has been worshiped at a Buddhist alter. Mao hated religion. Isn't this rather insulting to Mao???


This illustration caught my eyes online - is this a pug? Or perhaps it's a Tibetan mastiff dog? Whatever it is what a sad drawing that is... A dog in a monk robe to be shot by the Chinese army in front of the Potala Palace, once the Dalai Lama's residence. This is heart breaking! I wonder who's the artist is...


This shocking image of the destroyed Buddha was taken by a Japanese photographer, Kazuyoshi Nomachi. His spectacular book, "Tibet," truly changed my life when I first saw it. It may sound strange, but I had seen the Tibetan people in this book in my dreams, even before I saw this book for the first time.
Let me explain: About 20 years ago I was flying over the big mountains in my dream, and I landed on a golden vast land. The sun was so strong. As I was landing I saw many smiley people in the colorful clothing waving at me and saying, "Welcome home! Welcome home!" I had no idea where I was, but I felt so at home and so happy. Then I woke up.

Some years later, I was at a book store in SoHo, New York. A book caught my eyes, and as I looked at the photographs in the book I could not believe my eyes. There were photographs of the exactly same people whom I met in my dream that night. They were the same people in the same clothing (chuba) at the exactly same place. Now you may say, "Well, many nomads may look similar..," but I know what I saw. They were the same people. This was my first encounter with Tibet. This is how I found out that the place I was flying over in my dream was Tibet. The book was called, "Tibet" by Nomachi, and that is why it is a very special book to me..., and Tibet is a very special "home" to me.

I shall celebrate March 10th again this year to honor those Tibetans who stood up and got killed and Tibetans who are still suffering inside of Tibet. And I honor those destroyed beautiful Buddhas which took the bullets among many brave Tibetans many years ago in my "homeland."





Sunday, March 6, 2011

2138 Losar ロサール 2138年

Losar, the Tibetan New Year is here again, and it is the Iron Rabbit year. I went to the Tibetan Monastery, Drikung Kyobpa Choling, in Escandido to celebrate it. My friends, Christina, Andy and their daughters came along with me to this wonderful Losar puja. It was an extra gorgeous sunny day, and I really felt as if we were up in the Himalayan mountains!


There were about a hundred people there among ten Tibetans. The lamas at this monastery are from Ladakh. Having been to Ladakah myself, I greeted to them saying, "julee, julee!" (hello in Ladakhi). My trip to Ladakh was the most special one in my life, and I am extremely fond of Ladaki people. Ina, Christina and Andy's younger daughter was offered "tsampa," a barley flower offering. You are supposed to take a little with your fingers and throw it up in the air as an offering. Instead, cute Ina ate it. :) Her dad, Andy photographed it really well!


The puja was beautiful. The monks and nuns recited prayers and played the horns and drums. The purifying incense was burning and it smelled so good. I had never seen a nun perform this puja, but since this is such a small monastery perhaps the nuns were allowed to participate...!?
I prayed, too... in my heart I prayed for Free Tibet.


Andy took this photo of my Tibetan friends in their traditional dress called, Chuba, and Christina, their daughters and me. There are less than 10 Tibetans here in San Diego. Back in New York I had several hundred Tibetan friends. Every Losar was a huge party with a huge group of Tibetans. Now, it is much more intimate. It is a small group, and it feels like a family here... oh, and the Ladakhi lamas! Who would I have imagined that I'd meet the lamas from Ladakh in SoCal!!!


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why cupcakes? なぜカップケーキ?

I don't like cupcakes. I don't understand why people love them. I see cupcakes everywhere, and there are many cupcake shops that are doing so well. The reason why I don't like cupcakes is that they look cheap and taste cheap. Now, don't get me wrong - I do enjoy cheap sweets, but cupcakes always made me feel "cheated." As a child in New York I had a friend who loved cupcakes, and her mom always served us cupcakes as snacks. They looked nice and pretty, so I got excited. Yet, when I ate it it had no particularly distinguished taste nor texture. It was just colored spongy cake with lot of colored fatty cream on top. I tried a few more times, but it was the same story each time. So I gave up on cupcakes. Still today I stay away from cupcakes. However, I enjoy looking at them... like those doggy cakes (can you see the pug cake in the back?)


Cakes and tarts are huge in America... at least twice bigger than the sweets in France and Japan.
The taste tends to be more "rough" than delicate sweets in France. A couple of French patissier friends of mine told me that they have to make them bigger here in America in order to sell.


These tarts and cakes are from Chocolat, a lovely Italian cafe in Hillcrest. Their main store is in Milan, Italy. Even their tarts are huge here!


These cupcakes are from Babycake near my house in Hillcrest. One is vanilla and the other red velvet. I've noticed that this red velvet cupcake is so popular and sold everywhere. It looks pretty gross to me, but I was curious why it's red. I was hoping that they put beet juice or something..., but as I was afraid they make it red with coloring. Yuk.


When we moved to San Diego last June, and while we were unpacking all day long, we walked by Babycake. I was so tired and hungry, and had to have this giant eclair. It is one of their signature sweets, and it's called, "vibrator." It is huge.., but the taste was so-so, I must say. The crust smelled like baking soda and the cream tasted like out of a can. However, there was something good about this eclair. Could it be the name? I don't think so! Cardboard crust, canned whipped cream and Hersey-tasting chocolate... nothing was appealing, but this eclair somehow worked for me!

昨年の6月にサンディエゴに引っ越して来て、一日中荷物の荷解きをしていた時、このベイビーケークの前を通ったのです。ヘトヘトで腹ぺこだった私はこの巨大なエクレアを食べなくてはなりませんでした。これは「バイブレーター」と呼ばれるお店のシグネチャー品。とにかく大きい、、でもお味はまあまあ、、なんです。クラストはベーキングソーダの臭いがするし、クリームは缶入りのホイップクリームの味。でもこのエクレアはなんか良いのですよネ〜 名前のせい?そうじゃないなあ。ボール紙みたいなクラスト、缶ホイップクリーム、ハーシーズチョコのようなチョコレート、、、。良いこと何も無いのだけど、なぜだか美味しいのです!
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