Friday, October 29, 2010

Royal dinner with the princess

Since the photographing was not allowed at the dinner I have no photos to show here, but I had this very rare and special opportunity to attend a royal dinner with a princess of Japan, Prince Albert of Monaco, his fiancee, Prince of Luxenburg and more last night. The princess was extremely charming, friendly, elegant and intelligent. She gave me a big smile so I slowly and politely bowed. Her smile melted me... she is extremely charismatic!

I was also impressed by Prince Albert`s friendliness. He spoke English with no French accent, and I was wondering why... and oh, yes, of course! His mother was American, the famous Hollywood star, Grace Kelly!

I also enjoyed looking at the guests` dresses. Many women wore beautiful kimonos, and some wore long evening dresses. There were serious amount of diamonds everywhere... what a gorgeous night that was.



Monday, October 25, 2010


It's the Halloween time of the year again, and it is my first Halloween in California. The whole ritual is the same from the east coast - scary masks, capes and black witch hats... As every year I will miss the Halloween parade because I will be in Japan at this time. Recently, Halloween has become popular among the Japanese that the young people wear costumes and party on this day of horror. I just realized that I've had no idea about the origin of Halloween for all these years. So, I researched: Its root is a Celtic festival which celebrated the harvest time. (Then, why ghosts and horror stuff???) Perhaps, again, as the Valentine's Day, it has been hyped up by the candy industries? Anyway, have a fun trick-or-treat day, everyone!

今年もハロウイーンの季節がやって来ました。カリフォルニアに来てから初めてのハロウイーン。東海岸と同じように、お化けや悪魔のお面に魔女の帽子などが街で売られています。今年もちょうどハロウイーンは日本の私。日本でも最近は若者たちが仮装をしてパーティなどに行っているようですね。私は長年、このハロウイーンの由来を知りませんでした。早速調べてみると、、それは、セルティック時代のお祭りで、ハーベスト(刈入れの季節)を祝ったそうです。(なのになぜ、悪魔やお化けなんだ?)おそらくハロウイーンもバレンタインズデーのように、お菓子産業の仕掛けなのかも知れませんね〜 まあ、とにかく皆さん、ハッピートリックオアトリートデー!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Julian ジュリアン

We drove up in the mountains to visit a small town called, Julian. It's about one hour ride from San Diego, but the temperature difference was drastic. It was freezing up there! This charming old town is known for apples and apple pies. The main street is filled with apple pie shops and cute gift shops. My husband tried this apple pie with chedder cheese on top. Ugh.


Warm apple cider was so soothing on a cold day. I kept forgetting that I was in California... it was more like being in upstate New York...! California is truly something...


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Where are you trying to go? ろくろくび

I hear that cacti are tough. They survive in deserts where water is scarce and grow rapidly..., but
why would they grow long like this??? What are they trying to reach out to??? I just don't understand...


Friday, October 15, 2010

The Dalai Lama at Stanford University

I cannot find a word to describe this amazing man. He is just incredible. I attend his teachings and public talks every year, and sometimes he repeats what he says, but each time he says it genuinely. It never sounds like an automatic routine phrase. What's so impressive is that he says something new every year on the important topics such as peace and compassion which rather tend to be static. Despite his super busy schedule he's always a head of us. Needless to say that he is always "present." His tireless work always inspires me, and makes me think what I can do.


Several Tibetans came to the hotel to welcome His Holiness. They all wore chuba (Tibetan traditional clothing) and brought kata (white scarf). The Dalai Lama greets everyone so warmly. I have seen him do this everywhere, and it always impresses me. Meeting thousands of people for many years does not stop him being kind and warm. That is rare and extraordinary! All Tibetans were teary with joy.


This young Tibetan mother was fortunate to receive a name from the Dalai Lama directly for her newborn baby! このチベタンのお母さん女性は幸運にもダライラマ法王から最近生まれた赤ちゃんの名前をいただくことができました。

The evening of my fist day in Stanford ended with a dinner with my dear teacher/friend, Kushok Paljor la. He is the Dalai Lama's personal assistant for the last thirty years, and he takes a good care of His Holiness. He is kind, warm, caring and funny, and to me he's like a bodhisattva. He always says to me, "Rima, you must study hard. You must meditate. That is what I want you to do. We all get old one day. When you study dharma and learn to meditate it helps you to stay happy during your last days." What can I say to that...? Truly nothing. What a gift that is.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Missing India インドが恋しくて

All my friends know that I love India. I love the food, its culture, bright colors & glitters, Bollywood, the saris & bindi... and the total chaos. The whole country is a mystery to me even after my many visit to all over India. In NYC when I missed India I used to go to Jackson Heights to have tasty Indian food and enjoy shopping. I knew everybody there. There was a local Indian restaurant where I used to go every week by myself for years. All the waiters knew me, so as soon as I sat at the table they used to bring me a bowl of coconut chutney without a word. They knew my regular order... that was their amazing dosa. Dosa is a thin crepe made of rice powder. It's a South Indian cuisine, and the classic dosa is a Dosa Masala. That is the one with tasty potato and green peas inside. Usually it comes with vegetable soup and chutney. It is really delicious!

The other day a bunch of artist-friends of mine went to a South Indian restaurant for dinner. Every customer was from India, and that is a good sign that the food is good. We ordered some dosas with potatoes and spinach. Yummm! Everything was gone so quickly!

友人たちは皆、私がインドフリークだということを知っています。インド料理、文化、ビビッドな色、ギンギラギラギラのゴールド、ボリウッド映画、サリーにビンディ、、そしてカオス。インドは何度行ってもミステリアスな国。謎に包まれる一方です。NYではインドが恋しくなるとインド人街ジャクソンハイツに行って、すっかり常連になったレストランでランチして、その後はショッピング。どこに行っても皆と顔見知りでした。レストランでは座ったとたんに、ウエイターたちがココナッツチャトニーを黙って運んで来てくれたり。私が毎回なにを食べるか知っているんです。ふふふ そう、それはドサでした。ドサとは米の粉でできた薄いクレープ。インドは南の代表的な食べ物で、一番のクラシックスタイルは、ドサマサラという中にポテトとグリーンピースが入ったもの。横に添えられた野菜スープとココナッツチャトニーにディップしながらいただきます。これが最高なんだなあ、、、。


Friday, October 8, 2010

Nobel Peace Prize to a Chinese Human Rights Fighter

Congratulations to this courageous man, Liu Xiaobo!!! I woke up really early today to find out the news. We were all hoping that he would win the Nobel Peace Prize. I am overwhelmed with joy. The rain is gone and now it is very sunny again today. What a beautiful day. I have so much I want to say, but this man's recognition itself can spread out thousand messages. He, along with many other human rights fighters, is our true inspiration, and my deepest respect goes to who sacrifice themselves for the peace in the world.

The White House has been urging China to release this political prisoner.

勇気あるLiu Xiaoboさん、本当におめでとう!!!今日はえらく早起きした私でした。だってニュースが気になって気になって、、。昨夜から私たちは皆、彼がノーベル平和賞を受賞することを願っていたのです。今は嬉しさと感動で胸がいっぱい。きのうまで降っていた雨も上がり、今日は太陽がさんさんと輝いています。なんて素晴らしい日。言いたいことがいっぱいあるけれど、この彼の受賞そのものが多くを語っていますね。彼をはじめ他の沢山の人権運動家たちは、まさに私たちをインスパイアしてくれています。平和のために自分を犠牲にできる勇士たちを心から尊敬します。(ホワイトハウスも中国政府に彼を釈放するよう呼びかけています。)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Life in SoCal 南カリフォルニアでの生活

I've been living in San Diego for three months now, and it is still so surreal to see those gigantic palm trees everywhere. They are so tall that I wonder why they have to be so tall. The sunset is spectacular every night. It's only 10 minutes to the beach from our place, and I still cannot get used to the idea how beautiful it is to be on the beach! What a luxury that is...!


There are so many beautiful beaches here in San Diego. Every day at the sun set many surfers come out and wait for the waves. Water can be really cold, and I don't know how they can stay in water for so long even with the wet suits! I rather watch them than surf myself... I tried once in Hawaii and gave up when I could not even paddle out there in the ocean!


Monday, October 4, 2010

Mr. Snail カタツムリさん

The last time I saw a snail walking was.... you know what? I cannot remember! I think that when I was seven years old my mother showed me one that was attached to a plant. It rained in San Diego today which is really rare. When I was walking my dog I saw this snail who was relaxing in the middle of the road. Then, I found one more, two more, three more. Actually, there were so many snails on parade! They were so cute, and I could not help telling them to hide from the French. I used to love Escargots, but there is no way I can eat those lovely neighbor now!

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