Monday, March 7, 2011

March 10th and the Destroyed Buddhas 3月10日と破壊されたブッダ

March 10th is coming in a few days. It's a famous uprising day in Tibet where thousands of Tibetans stood up against China 52 years ago. So many Tibetans died that day. There will be rallies around the world on March 10th for the freedom and human rights of the Tibetans. China has already "closed" Tibet from the tourists and foreign media this year.


I love Buddha statues with passion. I love them more than any other art. It hurts me to see those Buddha statues with bullet holes like those photos above. They were shot by the Chinese government army to be destroyed many years ago. The irony is that Buddha taught about "impermanence." Nothing lasts forever. If I were to complain to Buddha about those bullets on Buddha statues he would probably say to me, "Rima, they are just statues. Don't worry about it. What's important is all in your mind, not in a statue." However, it would still bother me. I am an artist who deeply appreciates those creations of art, and I get angry to see them being destroyed. It is a matter of respect and honor. It's like having a bullet shot into my own chest.


All Buddhist statues were taken away and destroyed in Tibet over 50 years ago. Some survived statues are now exhibited in Chinese museums. Look, someone else has been worshiped at a Buddhist alter. Mao hated religion. Isn't this rather insulting to Mao???


This illustration caught my eyes online - is this a pug? Or perhaps it's a Tibetan mastiff dog? Whatever it is what a sad drawing that is... A dog in a monk robe to be shot by the Chinese army in front of the Potala Palace, once the Dalai Lama's residence. This is heart breaking! I wonder who's the artist is...


This shocking image of the destroyed Buddha was taken by a Japanese photographer, Kazuyoshi Nomachi. His spectacular book, "Tibet," truly changed my life when I first saw it. It may sound strange, but I had seen the Tibetan people in this book in my dreams, even before I saw this book for the first time.
Let me explain: About 20 years ago I was flying over the big mountains in my dream, and I landed on a golden vast land. The sun was so strong. As I was landing I saw many smiley people in the colorful clothing waving at me and saying, "Welcome home! Welcome home!" I had no idea where I was, but I felt so at home and so happy. Then I woke up.

Some years later, I was at a book store in SoHo, New York. A book caught my eyes, and as I looked at the photographs in the book I could not believe my eyes. There were photographs of the exactly same people whom I met in my dream that night. They were the same people in the same clothing (chuba) at the exactly same place. Now you may say, "Well, many nomads may look similar..," but I know what I saw. They were the same people. This was my first encounter with Tibet. This is how I found out that the place I was flying over in my dream was Tibet. The book was called, "Tibet" by Nomachi, and that is why it is a very special book to me..., and Tibet is a very special "home" to me.

I shall celebrate March 10th again this year to honor those Tibetans who stood up and got killed and Tibetans who are still suffering inside of Tibet. And I honor those destroyed beautiful Buddhas which took the bullets among many brave Tibetans many years ago in my "homeland."





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