Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why cupcakes? なぜカップケーキ?

I don't like cupcakes. I don't understand why people love them. I see cupcakes everywhere, and there are many cupcake shops that are doing so well. The reason why I don't like cupcakes is that they look cheap and taste cheap. Now, don't get me wrong - I do enjoy cheap sweets, but cupcakes always made me feel "cheated." As a child in New York I had a friend who loved cupcakes, and her mom always served us cupcakes as snacks. They looked nice and pretty, so I got excited. Yet, when I ate it it had no particularly distinguished taste nor texture. It was just colored spongy cake with lot of colored fatty cream on top. I tried a few more times, but it was the same story each time. So I gave up on cupcakes. Still today I stay away from cupcakes. However, I enjoy looking at them... like those doggy cakes (can you see the pug cake in the back?)


Cakes and tarts are huge in America... at least twice bigger than the sweets in France and Japan.
The taste tends to be more "rough" than delicate sweets in France. A couple of French patissier friends of mine told me that they have to make them bigger here in America in order to sell.


These tarts and cakes are from Chocolat, a lovely Italian cafe in Hillcrest. Their main store is in Milan, Italy. Even their tarts are huge here!


These cupcakes are from Babycake near my house in Hillcrest. One is vanilla and the other red velvet. I've noticed that this red velvet cupcake is so popular and sold everywhere. It looks pretty gross to me, but I was curious why it's red. I was hoping that they put beet juice or something..., but as I was afraid they make it red with coloring. Yuk.


When we moved to San Diego last June, and while we were unpacking all day long, we walked by Babycake. I was so tired and hungry, and had to have this giant eclair. It is one of their signature sweets, and it's called, "vibrator." It is huge.., but the taste was so-so, I must say. The crust smelled like baking soda and the cream tasted like out of a can. However, there was something good about this eclair. Could it be the name? I don't think so! Cardboard crust, canned whipped cream and Hersey-tasting chocolate... nothing was appealing, but this eclair somehow worked for me!

昨年の6月にサンディエゴに引っ越して来て、一日中荷物の荷解きをしていた時、このベイビーケークの前を通ったのです。ヘトヘトで腹ぺこだった私はこの巨大なエクレアを食べなくてはなりませんでした。これは「バイブレーター」と呼ばれるお店のシグネチャー品。とにかく大きい、、でもお味はまあまあ、、なんです。クラストはベーキングソーダの臭いがするし、クリームは缶入りのホイップクリームの味。でもこのエクレアはなんか良いのですよネ〜 名前のせい?そうじゃないなあ。ボール紙みたいなクラスト、缶ホイップクリーム、ハーシーズチョコのようなチョコレート、、、。良いこと何も無いのだけど、なぜだか美味しいのです!


  1. はじめまして、りまさん。




  2. りえこさん、ほんとにアメリカのケーキって甘すぎますね!おまけに塩も沢山入っているし。フランスや日本の繊細なお菓子が食べたいです!


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