Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jeep Tour in Sedona セドナでジープツアー

I really did not want to do it, but it was my husband's idea to go on a jeep tour. On top of that, I found out that my husband had reserved a "4-wheel-adventure ride." It means that you go on the extremely bumpy roads with steep hills and so on. I don't like those rides, but I did not want to waste $110 either, so I went. (Oh, yes, I was upset that my husband had booked this without talking to me!)

私は行きたくなかったんです。でも旦那さんがジープツアーにどうしても行きたいと、、。しかも「4−ウイールアドヴェンチャーライド」というのを申し込んでいた!(私には黙っていました)このライドはデコボコした道や窮な坂をジープで走るスリリングな内容が売りなのですが、行かないと110ドルが戻って来ないと言われたので行くことに。笑 ああ、もちろん旦那さんが私に内緒で申し込んでいたことには頭に来ていましたよ〜!)

The ride was rough. You had to buckle up, and hold on to the handle bars. It was not my idea of enjoying Sedona. However, the scenery was amazing and spectacular. The guide was very knowledgeable, so I asked hundreds of questions (as usual). Actually, it was not bad at all!


We drove around the rocks for 3 hours, and at one point the guide took us to this massive red rock that had a long line across the rock. The line was showing the earth move that occurred 600 million years ago. Can you see how the placement of the line has been moved? (See the photo)
This was totally worth seeing... and it was fun. Would I do the 4-wheel-ride again? Absolutely not!


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